Increase the revenue of your clinic!

Get-more-patients for your clinic by outsourcing us for active search and advanced data based processing of new patients.

How will you benefit?

"Get-more-patients" solution is designed for private clinics. It brings a substantial number of new patients. These results are guaranteed by our business model and our international references confirm it.

Fully success based fee. No upfront costs, we only-get-paid after we keep our promise.
Active search for new patients
Patient support and management
PRM assisted evalutation and classification
Consultation at the clinic
Overcoming the objections
Aesthetic surgery
Assurign returning customers

Active search for
new patients

We mastered different channels in order to assure broad search for
new patients

Social media are actively searched for patients
(Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn)

Advertising on Google and YouTube

Periodic newsletters, brochures and mails

Patient support
and management

Our main focus is towards the Patients, so we carefully guide and
assist them.

Patients are guided through all required steps by professional
call center

In-house PRM is used for patient management

Each patient receives SMS reminders and details of her appointment

Patients come for surgery with adequate LAB results and any other requirements fullfilled.

Evaluation and classification

Patients are evaluated and results delivered to you, so you have data available already before consultation.

All potential patients undergo an assessment on 2 dimensions:​
-  Willingness and need to have a plastic surgery    
-  Initial ability to pay

Based on educated evaluation patients are distributed to:
-  Live consultation  
-  E-consultation  
-  Elimination

Overcoming objections

Focusing on patients objections and solving their issues is our strenght.

We assist the patients to assure financing for the procedure:
-  With monthly rates (up to 24)    
-  To qualify for bank loan

Scheduled contacts are executed to discuss entire process

Patient care brochures are sent about certain procedures
-  Breast surgery    
-  Different facial surgeries    
-  Liposuction  
-  Facial rejuvenation

Assuring returning customers

Process is designed in order to yield more business with the same patients.

After the successful surgery patients remain in the system

Regular reminders and offers are sent to them in order to motivate them for another aesthetic procedure

Patients with additional needs are send for another live consultation

Get a whole team of sales and marketing experts to work for you

After we sign the contract you will see new patients coming in within couple of months. This time is needed to establish a professional call centre in your region and optimisation of search process tailored to your business.

Our business model is based on increased number of patients at your clinic and we receive a percentage of revenue that these customers alone generate for you.

Grow your clinic and
follow your vision

Our dream has always been to grow in revenue in order to open a clinic in another country. But, after 5 years of similar revenues and financial crysis taking ever stronger toll, our private clinic was at a crossroad. Should we continue with our business, as we are used to, and forget about internationalization? Or maybe we could find a partner that will help us get-more-patients?

We have decided to use the opportunity and create strong alliance with "get-more-patients" company. After only two full years of cooperation we have doubled our incomes and generated enough cash-flow to internationalize our business. In 2016 we have opened new clinics in Germany and Italy.

Frequently asked questions

How many customers can you bring?

It depends on the size of your region, so please send us an email, and we can make a FREE estimation for your private practice.

How do I pay for your services?

There is no fixed cost for your company. We get paid only for the additional patients that we bring to your practice, as a percentage of business they make with you, and nothing more.

How can you know what do patients in my market want?

We are not generating the need for aesthetic surgery, we search for those patients that want to have a surgery and send them to your clinic, instead of to your competitors.

How soon will I see more revenue for my company?

First patients will be in your practice in very short time and you will be performing more operations already in 2 months time. WE GUARANTEE!

Will my competitors benefit from your solution as well?

We enter into exclusive agreement only with one clinic in specific area. From our experience our partner gains substantial competitive advantage against their competitors.

Can I do it on my own?

Our services are additional to any campaign that you are doing or want to do on your own. If you wish, you are free to have marketing and advertising on your own as well.

Partner with us to grow your plastic surgery business

Contact us to get a FREE evaluation of your business potential.
Contact Us
Your satisfaction is guaranteed by our business model.
We only get paid, if we get-more-patients.
Naložbo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj (